Private Dental Care
Private dental care goes beyond simply providing the treatment that is necessary to maintain your oral health. This is a good option for people who are looking for more choice, enhanced services and don't mind paying a slightly more for it.
We also offer Membership Plans to help spread the cost over monthly payments, making Private treatment more affordable and easy for you to budget.
As a private patient, you will generally benefit from:
- Your choice of Dentist - whether it is their personality or qualifications, it's you who can decide which of our private dentists you want to see
A closer relationship - because you can choose to see the same dentist they can really get to know you, help you feel relaxed and work in partnership with you to look after your long term health
Greater flexibility and availability when it comes to booking appointments
A wider choice of treatment options, including hygienist services and cosmetic treatments to enhance the appearance of your smile
NHS Dental Care
We are not accepting any new NHS patients at this time.
Please be aware that if you have not attended the Practice routinely in the past 2 years, you will now be an inactive patient on our database.
Under NHS guidelines, patients that fail two appointments will no longer be offered NHS treatment at the Practice.
Dental Practices are not responsible for reminding patients to make and/or attend their dental appointment. Nor are patients required or expected to inform us if they move Practices.
We have found ourselves in a nationwide crisis with the inability to recruit NHS Dentists. We suspect a combination of Brexit and COVID-19 have been contributing factors.
Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that there is a huge shortage of NHS Dentists in the UK. The Dental Schools are not producing enough Clinicians to fulfil the needs to meet NHS targets and those who do begin their career journey on the NHS, soon avail themselves to independent Dentistry, compared to the older generation of Dentists who tended to stay within the NHS for a much longer time period.
We have also gone to extreme lengths recruiting from abroad in order to maintain access for all of our loyal patients that wish to be seen on the NHS. However, this has been fraught with a mountain of red tape and does take an extended period of time to secure the right candidates. This has unfortunately resulted in multiple appointments being moved or cancelled.
The situation is not unique to Busby House and all our colleagues nationwide are facing a similar situation. We have chosen to provide NHS services for over 30 years to our patients and value them all.
We will continue our efforts to recruit NHS Dentists in the hope to allow us to increase access to NHS Dentistry.
For all existing NHS patients, please help us by:
- Attending all of your dental appointments
- If you need to cancel, please give us as much notice as possible to allow another patient to take your appointment
- Ensuring your contact details are up-to-date
- Making sure you see your Dentist regularly (and don't leave it for longer than two years!)
- Please appreciate NHS dental appointments are in high demand and you may not always be offered an appointment at a convenient time for you